Sky’s The Limit

A development network for the Sea to Sky’s Outdoor Industry

SOARE is the Sea to Sky Outdoor Adventure Recreation Enterprise. This non-profit is a physical and virtual space that makes it easier for businesses to meet; to share the skills, resources and relationships that will push them even further, and cement our reputation as world leaders in the Outdoor Industry.

Better together

We believe there is strength in numbers, and are creating the first formalized network for the 380+ firms and supporting organizations within the Sea to Sky Region. This cluster consists of adventure-based media, technical gear and apparel design, and advanced manufacturing, supporting over 820 high paying jobs.

SOARE aims to demonstrate this hub’s economic value to both the BC and Canadian economy. We will work with our members, partners, and government to enable a connected and vibrant Outdoor Industry right here in the Sea to Sky.

Our Goals


Connect the world of outdoor industry innovators that live right on our doorstep, empowering businesses to grow through networking and knowledge sharing.


Provide access to the tools, equipment, and training that will lower the barrier to innovation and experimentation, bolstering the Sea to Sky Outdoor Industry.


Open up opportunities to the member collective that we couldn’t easily access as individuals.

Basecamp Now Open!

A maker space for Squamish rec-tech

SOARE has crafted a dedicated workspace in Squamish, where MemberPlus businesses can drop-in and hotdesk, use machinery and tooling for product development, and accelerate their grown.